Bliss Page 3
Maybe she needed to book a hump day spank every so often too. It would certainly make getting through the workweek easier.
Swallowing hard, she placed her forehead back down on the floor, torn between eavesdropping on the woman’s session—they were making it hard not to hear—and wholly giving in to the vibrations of the plug. With it humming away, she found it easier to ignore the ache in her shoulders, knees, and forehead. Unfortunately, five spanks later—she couldn’t help but count—Lydia felt the familiar contracting throughout her body of an orgasm.
“No, no, no,” she whimpered, knowing she needed to ask permission. If she climaxed now, and Reid found out—he was definitely getting the nipple clamps before her evening was through. Fighting the urge to come had taken a lot of practice, and while usually she was adept at it, the added sensation of the vibrations paired with the woman’s cry, the slap of Reid’s hand on her bare backside—it was getting difficult to ignore. She moaned, her hips starting to wiggle ever so slightly, riding the waves of surging pleasure, knowing she was on the brink and not caring.
Well, almost not caring. Earth-shattering orgasm? Nipple clamps. Phenomenal climax that she’d still feel tomorrow? Nipple clamps.
She shifted about as best she could, trying to distract herself—but the movement only made the sensation more intense. She wished Reid had given her something to bite down on, and she soon found herself clamping down on the leather strap connecting her to the floor, her arousal coating her thighs and her clit begging to be touched.
A grueling ten minutes later, two sets of footsteps crossed the living room again.
“You haven’t climaxed yet, have you?” Reid demanded when the footsteps paused, and she shook her head, choking down a sob. He marched toward her, and she almost came undone when he ran a finger between the seam of her swollen, soaking lips. “Good girl.”
His absence earned a strangled cry from Lydia, and she bit down harder on the strap as he walked his other client out. Their murmured conversation by the door was just white noise now, blood pounding in her ears as she fought the urge to climax with everything she had.
An eternity later, she vaguely heard the door close and lock, followed by footsteps back to her. By then, sweat dripped down her forehead, and she gasped for a breath of cool, fresh air when Reid gathered her hair away from her face. Then, much to her surprise, he undid the satin ties around her arms. Unsure of what she should do with them, Lydia merely gripped her wrists and returned to fighting her orgasm.
“Palms on the floor,” Reid instructed, followed by the sound of a condom wrapper crinkling. Lydia did as she was told, ignoring the stiffness in her wrists and forearms, slowly releasing the bit in her mouth and trying not to make a sound. The thought that he’d fuck her when she was this close, and possibly deny her an orgasm—well, it was too much to comprehend in that moment. She would deserve it, of course. The ultimate punishment for her tardiness: to work her up, her entire body dripping with need, so desperate for release that she could scream, and then deny her an end to this blissful torment.
After hearing a slight flurry of movement, Lydia stilled when his hands grasped her hips. Gently, Reid guided her back, pulling her leash taut, and had her lift her hips as much as she could. Her knees screamed, but she had better balance with the use of her hands. She kept them palms-down in front of her, then brought her forehead down to rest on them. Reid, however, preferred her head up; he gathered her hair in one hand and jerked it back.
Biting her lip, if only to keep from shrieking, Lydia repositioned herself accordingly, every slight movement rustling the plug and sending a lightning bolt of pleasure from her clit.
“I hadn’t planned to fuck you today,” he admitted, then grasped her hips firmly and sank into her.
A soundless scream crawled up her throat, and she felt herself slipping away, losing herself to the physical world at last. The fullness of his impressively hard cock paired with the ever-vibrating plug—it was paradise and sweet hell all bundled into one. Her fingers started to curl, but a sharp clearing of his throat forced her to spread them back out, keeping her palms on the ground.
She could almost imagine the wicked smirk on his lips as he bucked against her, ever so slightly, even the faintest movement sending her into a fit. Lydia had learned to control her body, to keep it still, but tonight pushed every bit of restraint she had to the limit.
“What do you say?” he asked, a hard smack to her left cheek startling her.
“Thank you, sir.”
“For what?”
“For fucking me,” she whimpered. His chuckle sent a shiver skittering down her back, heat pooling between her thighs. And then, just to add insult to injury, Reid remained so still, her sex pulsing around him, that she thought he might rescind that offer. However, when he pushed the little button on the plug again, the vibrations increased. Unable to stop herself, Lydia keened, head down and body shaking, her surroundings fading in and out of focus.
Only then did he finally move, thrusting hard against her before pulling out. Over and over again, pounding into her with everything he had. His fingers slipped under her collar and forced her upright again as he used it to anchor himself to her. Lydia drew in a ragged breath, eyes wide and lips parted, breasts bouncing to the point of pain under his fierce pace.
“Do you deserve to come tonight, Lydia?” he growled, his voice a raspy, delicious rumble that nearly pushed her over the edge. When she didn’t answer immediately, her words incoherent and gargled, he slapped her in the same spot he had only moments earlier, the sharp sting cutting through the pleasurable haze that had engulfed her body.
Lydia knew what he wanted to hear. She knew the correct response, but it would kill her.
“Lydia.” The terseness of his tone, paired with another smack, forced her into action.
“N-no,” she sobbed, eyes clenched shut. “I d-don’t deserve to.”
“Dear girl,” Reid murmured, chuckling, “always so hard on yourself. I think you do.”
Her eyes snapped open, and she needed a moment to figure out if what she had heard was what he had actually said, or if it was just her brain playing tricks on her. Unsure, Lydia glanced over her shoulder as much as she could manage, shuddering at the sight of him towering over her, his broad frame dominating her field of vision. A stern expression stared back, Reid’s hips continuing to pummel her poor, aching, terribly aroused body. When he arched a brow, she faced forward.
“Come, Lydia,” he ordered, voice no more than a dark whisper. “I want you to come.”
Lydia was more than willing to comply, especially when he upped the vibrations another level, then pinched his fingers down over her clit. Her entire body clenched one last time before finally releasing, a burning rush of pleasure coursing through every system. She collapsed onto her elbows, little specks of white dotting her vision, as she shook, riding out the earth-shattering orgasm.
As she shuddered and quaked, Lydia felt as though all this ecstasy, all this bliss, would just pour out of her, seeping from every pore, and her body finally sagged. Empty. Depleted. Content.
So caught up in the moment, the rippling tingles of aftermath taking hold and refusing to let go, she hadn’t even noticed him pull out of her. Suddenly, Reid’s hand was on the back of her neck, gently easing her down to disconnect her from the clasp. Grasping her by the shoulders, he then helped sit her up, taking the brunt of her weight as she continued to revel in the sweet burn she would crave for seven long days until her next session.
“Are you all right?” he asked softly, no doubt catching her wince as she sat back on what was a very sore, thoroughly used backside. At some point, he’d also turned off the vibrator and removed that. She blinked hurriedly, her breath slowly starting to even out. Had she blacked out, or had she just been so into her own pleasure that her scenic awareness had disappeared?
“Great,” she managed, finding her throat a little sore, her voice cracking—like she’d been screaming at a conc
ert for the last several hours. Reid cupped her chin as he appraised her, that stern contempt he wore so well during the scene giving way to the other side of the coin—the second mask all Doms needed the wear: the caregiver. It was Reid who had taught her the importance of after-care, of needing someone supportive and tender to ease her out of the headspace she’d succumbed to during the scene.
When her outer appearance matched up to what Reid wanted to see, he stood and crossed the living room, quickly returning with one of her favourite blankets. He wrapped it around her shoulders, the silky-soft fabric enveloping her sore, weary figure. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, basking in the comfort, then squeaked a little when he hoisted her up and carried her over to the small two-seater couch. After positioning her for maximum comfort, he gently rolled down her thigh-high black stockings, a faint smile touching his lips when she wiggled her red-tipped toes.
“I’ll be right back,” he told her, and she nodded, her weariness hitting her like a freight train. If only she could fall asleep here—but that would require a level of personal connection that she and Reid lacked. It was such an odd thing to consider, given all that he’d just done to her, but this was a professional relationship still.
Even if Lydia found herself missing him while he was gone—and smiling just a little too bright when he returned, a mug of steaming green tea in hand.
“Thank you,” she murmured as she accepted the drink, flashing him a quick grin. He settled in on the couch beside her, then lifted her feet onto his lap and started to massage the arch of her right foot. Eyes rolling back in her head, she moaned softly and snuggled deeper into the couch.
“Is there anything we need to discuss from the session?” he asked, sounding more like everyday Reid and less like her Dom by the second. When she shook her head, he cocked an eyebrow. “Are you sure? The plug was larger than I’ve used before.”
“It was good,” she assured him. “Really. I mean…” Her cheeks flushed as he studied her, and she cleared her throat. “Just really good. Nothing I’d change.”
And she meant it. Lydia continued to happily pay Reid’s insane fee because of how she felt in that exact moment: at peace. Her mind wasn’t running with a thousand thoughts, frantically cataloguing everything she needed to do at work, or organizing her social calendar, mentally going through all the events she’d have to decline because she was just too busy. Right there, wrapped in an almost too-soft blanket, her ass still stinging and her sex pleasantly sore, Lydia could just be. No thinking. She could exist in the moment, feeling the physicality of it, enjoying her tea, and savoring the way Reid’s thumbs worked her tired feet, sore from being punished all week in high heels.
It truly was bliss.
Everyone ought to try it.
“Well, I’m happy to hear that,” Reid told her, sounding endearingly sincere as he lifted her foot just enough to really start working on her heel. “There’s no one else tonight, so you can stay as long as you need to.”
She nodded contentedly, then took a quick sip of her tea. It was their after-care ritual: green tea, a foot massage, and light, pleasant conversation.
“Shall I schedule you for the same time next week?” he asked. “Provided you’re on time.”
Her cheeks warmed faster this time, the heat sharp and prickling, but her smile faltered when her work brain started up again. “Oh, no, I’m at a conference for the weekend. We leave Friday morning.”
His grin turned a little wicked, the kind of smile that made her heart pound and her sex clench. “Will you need a session before you go, then?”
“Book me for two back-to-back sessions next Thursday,” she said decidedly, the idea of cooling down a little before a weekend of stress sounding more than appealing. “Just in case I’m late again.”
Reid’s eyes seemed to glitter dangerously at the taunt. “I’m afraid the punishment would be even more severe for a second offense.”
Lydia squared her shoulders and looked him dead in the eye. “Bring it on…sir.”
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About the Author
Liz is a Canadian author who grew up in the Middle East. She has a degree in Bioarchaeology from Western University, and when she isn't writing about her own snarky characters, she is ghostwriting romance novels, loitering on social media, or taking care of her many animals.
As a freelance ghostwriter, she has written over a dozen books ranging from romance to horror, full-length to novella-sized. A handful are currently on the market, and she stalks their "authors" with fiendish delight. She loves writing realistic characters in fantastical settings.
More from Liz Meldon:
Contemporary Erotic Romance
Erotic Short Shorts – a Short Story Series
Happy Hour (2016)
Holiday Hell (2017)
Bliss (2018)
All In Trilogy
Finn (#1)
Cole (#2)
Skye (#3)
All In Trilogy: Book Bundle + Bonus Content
Paranormal Romance
The Hunt - a Demon Paranormal Romance (2018)
Predator (#1)
Prey (#2)
Stalker (#3)
Killer (#4)
Lovers and Liars: Immortal Wars – a fantasy and paranormal romance series based in the Lovers and Liars Universe
Court of the Phantom Queen (2017) – Book #1 (fantasy romance, novella)
Apollo’s Priestess (2017) – Book #2 (shifter paranormal romance, novella)
To the North (TBD) – Book #3 (fantasy romance, novella)
Lovers and Liars – a Mythology-Based Paranormal Romance Serial
Manhattan (2014) – Book #1 (FREE)
Vancouver (2015) – Book #2
Westwick College (2016) – Book #3
Tuskin Island (TBD) – Book #4
Games We Play – a (Vampire/Hunter) Paranormal Romance Duology
The Fool (2015) – Prologue
The King (2016) – Book #1
The Queen (TBD) – Book #2
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